Brief Hiatus

Hello friends, I’m aware of the ticking of the bloggy clock. I do apologise. This is just a little post to tell you that I will continue to be quiet for a time, just to give you a heads up. This is the final few weeks of my degree and I currently SHOULD be up to my eyes in script-writing and studying. I am letting myself down this week. But I really need to get to it. So, if I take a break from my beloved LLL I hope you understand.

I was recently nominated/awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Write, Wrong and Everything Inbetween – THANK YOU for this. It’s my first blog award, and I am very proud. Grateful! There are a few interesting ‘rules’ that come with this, and I promise to write a post and get my nominations on at a less busy time. 


Here’s a link to some Irish Short Films – the featured short ‘The Wednesdays’ is excellent. 

Okay, so I’m off to get some sleep and feel guilty. This finishing university stuff is terrifying. Much love!

5 thoughts on “Brief Hiatus

  1. Miss G says:

    Good luck with the final suffocation by/embracing of study; it’s torture, but it will be over before you know it and ‘normal’ life will resume!

  2. papillonroses says:

    Hope that it’s not too stressful an end and you enjoy it whilst you’re still studying! I miss it, oddly, even though I remember the stress and know I’m going back! Life after will be different but fine, don’t worry !

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